Baltimore HIV Collaboratory

The Johns Hopkins CFAR is a university-wide consortium of investigators, clinicians and educators dedicated to combating the HIV pandemic by promoting transdisciplinary research and by training the next generation of HIV/AIDS researchers.
The CFAR’s Baltimore Collaboratory aims to reduce the burden of HIV in Baltimore by:
- Promoting community linkages between Johns Hopkins researchers with HIV focused NGOs, the Baltimore City Health Department, and people affected with HIV/AIDS through the creation of forums to exchange data, information, and resources.
- Identify, recruit, and train under-represented minority undergraduates, graduate students, fellows, and junior faculty in community-based HIV/AIDS research in Baltimore.
- Facilitating the development of research skills among Baltimore-based, HIV focused nonprofit organizations as well as develop and expand research collaborations between JHU, nonprofits, and the Baltimore City Health Department.
Mission: To foster collaborations between JHH investigators, health departments, and community partners with the common goal of ending the HIV epidemic in Baltimore and Maryland. To train a diverse next generation of HIV experts representative of the communities we serve.