JHU CFAR Implementation Science, Prevention, and Developmental Cores Community Partnership Microgrant
The CFAR Implementation Science, Prevention, and Developmental Cores are announcing an inaugural call for microgrants for Hopkins-affiliated faculty to develop and/or enhance existing partnerships with community-based organizations in the United States, with the goal of supporting sustainable, long-term community collaborations that advance HIV science. These grants are intended to support development of partnerships, which advance equitable engagement and ownership of research across partners.
Investigators can request up to $10,000 in direct costs to support any partnership development and enhancement activities with community-based organizations, including (but not limited to):
Applications proposing primary data collection will not be considered. Salary support for Hopkins-affiliated faculty/staff/postdocs/students should be limited to a maximum of $5,000.
Applicants should prepare and submit the following materials CFAR@jhmi.edu:
1. A (maximum) two-page proposal including the following components:
2. An NIH-formatted biosketch (for the faculty applicant only)
3. Letter(s) of collaboration or support from named community-based organization(s) in the proposal
To be eligible, the applicant must be a Hopkins-affiliated HIV early-stage investigator (per NIH requirements) and hold a faculty position at the institution (Research Associate, Assistant or Associate Scientist, Assistant or Associate Research Professor, or Assistant or Associate Professor will be considered). Non-ESI faculty will be considered if they are developing a new relationship or can show how the funds will support an existing partnership in a new direction. Named community-based organizations must also be registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations in the United States.
Applications will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis while funds are available. To apply, please combine all submission materials into a single PDF and email the application package to Anne Efron (CFAR@jhmi.edu) with the subject line, “Community Partnership Microgrant”.
For questions about eligibility or process, please contact Anne Efron (CFAR@jhmi.edu).