The journey towards making elimination of mother to child transmission (eMTCT) a reality
July 17, 2016
Speaker(s): Moreen Kamateeka, MBChB, MPH
The Johns Hopkins Center for AIDS Research aims to record and archive our presentations whenever possible. If you are unable to attend our events in person, please make sure to periodically check our website for the most recent additions to our online library.
In addition, we have also included non-CFAR online presentations that we think might be of interest.
If you have an presentation that you think should be included in our online library, please email
July 17, 2016
Speaker(s): Moreen Kamateeka, MBChB, MPH
July 17, 2016
Speaker(s): Rachel Jewkes, MBBS, MSc, MD
July 17, 2016
Speaker(s): Thomas Agyaro-Poku, BSc, MBChB, DipGUM, MPhil, MSc, PhD, FRSPH
July 17, 2016
Speaker(s): Francis Kiweewa, MD, MPH
July 17, 2016
Speaker(s): Gary Maartens, MBChB, MMed, FCP(SA), DTM&H
July 17, 2016
Speaker(s): Larry Chang, MD, MPH
June 21, 2016
Speaker(s): Brenda Fredericksen, PhD
June 21, 2016
Speaker(s): Chris Beyrer, Chris Collins, and Linda-Gail Bekker
April 29, 2016
Speaker(s): Chris Beyrer, MD, MPH; Rob Garofalo, MD, MPH; Catherine Hanssens, Esq.; Gabriel Maldonado, MBA; Darnell Moore, MA