Nina Wagner-Johnston, MD
Molecular detection of clonal immunoglobulin DNA rearrangements in non-diagnostic biopsies of patients ultimately diagnosed with AIDS lymphoma: potential to prioritize diagnosis
CFAR-sponsored research to be conducted at the Baltimore City Health Department requires additional steps.
Molecular detection of clonal immunoglobulin DNA rearrangements in non-diagnostic biopsies of patients ultimately diagnosed with AIDS lymphoma: potential to prioritize diagnosis
2014 Baltimore HIV/AIDS Scholar
Improved vaginal delivery of Dapivirine using mucus-penetrating nanoparticles for prevention of HIV infection.
Learn MoreDepressive symptoms and early life predictors of neurocognitive function in HIV + men
2015 Baltimore HIV/AIDS Scholar: Reducing HIV Vulnerability Among Trans Women of Color
Exosomes and extracellular RNA of the cervicovaginal compartment in health, HIV infection, and HIV exposure without infection
Understanding the Respiratory Health Effects of Air Pollution for Persons Living with HIV
2015 Baltimore HIV/AIDS Scholar: Generation Tomorrow Field Experience
Rethinking Implementation of HIV Self-Testing for Rural Native American Adults
Learn More2016 Baltimore HIV/AIDS Scholar: Baltimore Community Participatory Advisory Board 2020 Goals
2016 Baltimore HIV/AIDS Scholar: Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology Laboratory
Developing creative visual maps of youth STI testing experiences: Understanding the STI testing experiences of young people in Baltimore to improve our ability to identify PrEP candidates
The prevalence, molecular characteristics and clinical consequences of clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP) in HIVpositive and HIV-negative men
2016 Baltimore HIV/AIDS Scholar: Effect of Vaginal Mucus Barrier Properties on HIV Trapping Ability
Decision Support for Improved Cardiovascular Risk Management among HIV-Positive Individuals
Learn MoreAllostatic load and its relationship with mitochondrial and skeletal muscle dysfunction in older people living with HIV
Learn More2014 Baltimore HIV/AIDS Scholar
Integrative analysis of microbiome data in HIV—from statistical methodology to scientific discovery
DNA Methylation in HIV Infection: A Mechanism of COPD Pathogenesis
Learn More2016 Baltimore HIV/AIDS Scholar: Identifying cellular factors that repress HIV-1 from reactivation
Identifying barriers to postpartum ART adherence in Mozambique
Operationalizing a new policy of immediate ART initiation for FSWs in Iringa, Tanzania: Identifying barriers to and facilitators of optimal implementation
Disparities in cancer treatment in elderly individuals with HIV infection in the United States
Energy Expenditure and Aging in HIV
Retinal Structure and Microvasculature Determinants of Brain Structure and Cognition in HIV
Untangling the role of HIV infection in cancer diagnosis and prognosis among Maryland Medicaid beneficiaries
Learn MoreOptimized antiretroviral therapy during allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant in HIV-1 infection
Learn More2014 Baltimore HIV/AIDS Scholar
Biomarkers of inflammation and immune activation by HIV subtype among seroconverters in Rakai, Uganda
The Art of Analysis: Syndemic Impacts of Overlapping Social Stressors on HIV Risk Among Young Transgender Women in the LITE Cohort
Assessment and Evaluation of AYA HIV EtHE Pillar Opportunities within the Tampa Bay Region: “PREP-ing” for a Tampa Bay-based AYA Rapid Assessment and Response Evaluation (RARE) Strategy
2014 Baltimore HIV/AIDS Scholar
Risk factors for death in hospitalized HIV-positive tuberculosis suspects
Learn MoreIdentification of the potential pathway of integrase inhibitor-mediated metabolic disturbance and weight gain
An assessment of HIV risks and exposure to HIV services for male survivors of Gender Based Violence
Learn MoreThe role of the HIV-1 latent reservoir on persistent immune activation and inflammation among long term ART treated individuals in an African cohort
Learn MoreDeveloping and Piloting A Gender-Based Violence Intervention Module to Reduce HIV Risk among FSWs
Learn MoreData Synthesis for People Who Inject Drugs in Baltimore
Spatio-temporal dynamics of Sleep EEG in a Sero-positive HIV Cohort
Rupture and repair: examining the role of substance use and unprotected sex following episodes of intimate partner violence in adolescent relationships
Learn MoreClinical Characterization of Monkey Pox across the Johns Hopkins Health System
Learn MoreQualitative research to explore HIV transmission and prevention dynamics in high-prevalence fishing villages in Rakai, Uganda
The Cryptococcal polysaccharide antigen patients with AIDS
"I met him on Jack’D” – Exploring sex partner selection patterns, HIV risk behavior and risk perceptions of YBMSM using GeoSocial Networking (GSN) applications in Baltimore City
The role of social networks in improving HIV care engagement among women who inject drugs in Tanzania: A formative research study
A Community-researcher Partnership to Address HIV Prevention and Treatment in a Mentoring Program for Homeless LGBTQ Youth in Baltimore
Combined Systems Analysis and Predictors of Neurocognitive Trajectory in HIV+ Individuals
Assessing the relationship between cell-free mitochondrial DNA, mitochondrial DNA copy number, and inflammation among people infected with or at high risk of HIV
2014 Baltimore HIV/AIDS Scholar
Cellular immune correlates of HAART-mediated spontaneous HCV clearance
Vitamin D as a Potential Biomarker of HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders in Rural Uganda
Examining Patterns of Violence and Associated PrEP Acceptability and HIV Testing among Black Young Sexual Minority Women
Mixed methods research to understand care seeking behavior and post-discharge care continuity among HIV-infected hospitalized patients in South Africa
Refinement of a murine viral outgrowth assay for detection of residual SIV in a macaque model
Identifying Opportunities for a Multi-Level PrEP Navigation Program for Female Sex Workers Living in the Dominican Republic
Learn MoreSpatial Analysis of Non-AIDS-defining cancers in HIV-Infected and Non-HIV Infected Adults in Maryland
2014 Baltimore HIV/AIDS Scholar
Defining the role of proviral intactness and integration site in differential HIV-1 reservoir inducibility in ART-suppressed Ugandan males and females
Learn MoreRole of ontogenically distinct macrophages in HIV pathogenesis
Polysubstance use among young adults who use opioids
Real Time Viral Load Assessment with Proactive Interventions to Optimize Adherence among Youth with HIV
Association of HIV/AIDS and disease specific risk factors with cardiovascular fitness
2014 Baltimore HIV/AIDS Scholar
Exploring the feasibility of distributing HIV self-test kits through peer networks in key populations in Uganda
PrEP Persistence and Priority Intervention Components to Support Adherence in Zambia
Learn MoreElevated Systemic Microbial Translocation in Pregnant Women Living with HIV
ART adherence as HIV prevention among adolescents living with HIV in Ndola, Zambia
Learn MoreCharacterizing the relationship between ccf-DNA and mitochondrial energetics in lean and obese SIV-infected, ART-treated rhesus macaques
Learn MoreEstimating the Minimum Dosing Frequency of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Needed to Provide a High Level of Protection Against HIV Infection
Learn MoreHIV and HPV viruses: Proliferation versus quiescence in differing cell types
Trajectories of medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) use and their impact on HIV prevention and treatment outcomes among people who inject drugs in India
Learn MoreSynergistic effects of HIV and cigarette smoke on airway epithelium predisposition to the development of COPD
Dysbiosis and the Gut Microbiota in HIV
An investigation of the public understanding of HIV cure research in uMkhanyakude District, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Learn MoreProteomic signatures associated with cardiac remodeling in people living with and without HIV
Learn MoreHIV Prevention in Urban Youth Partner-Dyads Affected by STIs: The Role of Social Context in Sexual Health and Intimate Partner Relationships
2016 Baltimore HIV/AIDS Scholar: HIV & Sex Work in Baltimore City
Identification of cellular factors necessary for latent HIV-1 reactivation
Developing and piloting a mobile platform to connect mobile female sex workers as part of a community empowerment-based intervention in Iringa, Tanzania
Efficiency and Yield of Contact Investigations for TB in Heterogeneous, HIV-Driven Epidemics
Learn MoreMoney Matters: Do community savings groups lead to reduced HIV incidence and greater viral suppression among female sex workers in Tanzania
Hair Concentrations of Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs among HIV-Infected and Uninfected Children in India
Learn MorePreventing HIV/AIDS in the Himalayas: PrEP for Vulnerable Populations in Nepal
Learn MoreThe impact of social networks on hepatitis C clustering and care access in HIV-infected people who inject drugs
Psychosocial Phenotypes and Potential Mechanisms in Women Living with HIV
Learn MoreDevelopment of a Church Based HIV Testing and Linkage to Care
Endothelial Dysfunction and HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorder
Increasing access to HIV and syphilis testing using home-collected dried blood spots
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