The University of Alabama at Birmingham

Genomics Core

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The overall goal of the core is to provide investigators access to cutting-edge genomics resources and methodologies designed to facilitate and strengthen the quality of genetic, genomic, and molecular studies in HIV/AIDS related research. The Genomics Core emphasis on new genomic services, coupled with the microbiome resource and the companion bioinformatics services, provides CFAR investigators with unique resources that will allow for avenues of research in alignment with the 4 pillars of the CFAR scientific mission of prevention, pathogenesis, drug discovery and the natural history in the treatment area era.

Contact Information

Michael Crowley, PhD,


Elliot Lefkowitz, PhD,



Will give investigators access to genome genotyping, gene expression, and methylation arrays, low and high throughput custom genotyping and gene expression, and both standard and next generation sequencing (NGS).

This component provides 16S rRNA gene microbiome analysis and in the future its services will include microbial metagenome, transcriptome and possibly virome analysis.

The Core provides guidance for microbiome analysis and the selection of genomic assays and analyses.