The George Washington University

Basic Sciences Core, Immunologic Services

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Flow Cytometry and Cellular Immunology Core Laboratory: provides technical expertise and advice for the analysis, design, development and implementation of procedures to assess immune cell subsets and other biomarkers associated with immune system functional status.

David Leitenberg, MD, PhD, Ph:202-994-9475,

FACSAria high speed cell sorter

FACSCalibur DxP8 and FACScan analyzers equipped with 488 nm, 637 nm and 407 nm lasers capable of discrimination of 8 flourochromes

Data analysis work stations equipped with FlowJo analysis software (v7.6.5) from Tree Star

Instrumentation available for multiplex cytokine analysis utilizing Luminex MAGPIX platform

Multiparametric Flow Cytometry Core Laboratory:

Douglas Nixon, MD, PhD, Ph:202-994-3532,

The Multiparametric Flow Cytometry Core Laboratory has a BD customized Fortessa x-20 with 4 lasers, Blue-488-50mw, Red-640-100mw, Violet-405-50mw and the Yellow Green-561-50 mw, and includes a HTS system and a working station. The instrument is available for booking for those trained in its usage. The costs for use are currently being calculated and will be available shortly.

Georgetown University Biacore Molecular Interaction Shared Resource (BMISR): The Biacore Molecular Interaction Shared Resource (BMISR) provides customized biomolecular analysis services. This technology involves the immobilization of a ligand on a sensor chip followed by delivery of an analyte by a microfluidic system. It can measure direct binding affinities between two molecules (Protein, peptide, antibody, DNA, RNA, small molecules).

Aykut Üren, MD, Georgetown University, Ph:202-687-9504,

Any protein, DNA, RNA, lipid, carbohydrate, polysaccharide, cell, virus, drug or drug-like molecule (organic or inorganic) can be used as the ligand or analyte. These molecules do not need to be tagged or labelled with anything.

The Biacore T-200 and Biacore 4000 instruments in the facility utilize Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) technology to study biomolecular binding events. In addition to identifying binding partners to a target molecule, SPR also provides quantitative data on: Specificity, Concentration, Kinetics, Affinity, and Thermodynamics

Contact Information

Douglas F. Nixon, MD, PhD, Core Director


Sergei Nekhai, PhD. Core Co-Director


Isabella Kaser, Core Manager

Lab Name

Lab Director