University of Miami

Laboratory Core

CFAR Web Page » Lab Core Web Link »

Contact Information

Savita Pahwa, M.D., Director


Sion Williams, PhD, Co-Director


Margie Roach Ph.D., Lab Manager


Jessica Salinas, B.S. MBA, Lab Manager



Service request:


Integrated Bioinformatics Network (IBN). RNA-Seq and bioinformatics with publication ready figures

Isolation and cryopreservation of human PBMC, T cells, B cell subsets and other cell types

Evaluation of cytokines and soluble mediators in plasma, serum or supernatants by ELISA, Luminex mutliplex beads (Magpix), or ultrasensitive Simoa technology (Quanterix)

Flow cytometry assays (4-15 color staining) including intracellular staining and T and B cell phenotype and function

ELISPOT (up to 2 color) or FLUOROSPOT (up to 4 color) assays to detect single cell cytokine/antibody secretion from B cells or T cells

Gut microbial translocation marker evaluation including LPS, soluble CD14, soluble CD163 and intestinal fatty acid binding protein (iFABP)

Biorepository development for investigator-initiated studies. Repository management using Freezerworks or LDMS system for liquid nitrogen/ultralow freezer storage of cells, plasma, PAXgene samples of RNA or DNA.

To provide elutriated human monocytes – can be used for replication assays, establishment of macrophage and DC cultures

Macrophage/DC culture platforms – the price for culturing macrophage or DC cultures would be double the price of ordering $40 per million

siRNA/shRNA services – aid in design of optimal procedures for gene silencing in primary cells

Viral cDNA intermediates – for reservoir analysis

Primary cell replication assays – to aid in assessment of antiviral agent efficiency

Digital PCR – for quantification of viral reservoirs 3-5 million PBMCs, or 2-3 million purified CD4 cells

HIV-1 infectivity assays – for assessment of viral fitness

Viral Tropism assays – for assessment of macrophage and T cell tropism

RNA and DNA extraction from clinical samples for viral reservoir analysis

High density qPCR using Fluidigm Biomark HD with the ability to handle low input samples

Single cell gene expression by qPCR using Fluidigm C1 and Biomark HD platforms.

Single cell gene expression by NGS using BD Genomics Precise 3'Whole Trasncriptome Amplification (3'WTA) and targeted panels, or single cell RNA-Seq using Fluidigm C1 with Clontech Smarter V4 chemistry

Project design and oversight for next generation sequencing and collaborative bioinformatics.