University of California, San Diego

Flow Cytometry Research Core

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Contact Information

Celsa Spina, Ph.D., Core Director

858-552-8585 ext. 7189

Tara Rambaldo, Lab Manager

(858) 552-8585 ext. 5933


multiparameter analysis (1-6 antibody combinations) on cell suspensions and cells fixed to slides, and small to large volume cell sorting. Types of cell analyses include: cell maturation phenotypes; cell proliferation and activation (cell cycle/DNA content, CFSE dye; calcium flux, CD69, Annexin-V); intra-cellular proteins (cytokines, cell cycle regulators, viral products); quantification of molecular promoters and reporter genes (GFP, beta-gal; FRET).

Live and fixed cell sorting is performed to recover cell subsets, identified with any combination of the above mentioned analysis tools. A specially equipped cell sorter is available for work with live, biohazardous cell samples