Join our Implementation Science Monthly Rounds on the first Tuesday of the month from 12 - 1PM EST
The November Implementation Science Monthly Rounds (ISMR) will feature Amy Kristen Johnson, PhD, a research associate professor in Pediatrics (Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine) at Lurie Children’s Hospital and Northwestern University in Chicago. Dr. Johnson is trained as an infectious disease epidemiologist and applied public health scientist. Her primary areas of research interest are adolescent sexual and reproductive health surveillance and control of sexually transmitted diseases. Her research focuses on high priority areas of HIV/STI intervention implementation, risk assessment and developing prevention packages specifically for adolescents, with a focus on young women. Dr. Johnson will be giving a talk on “Mapping implementation strategies to address barriers to PrEP use among cisgender women”
Interested in presenting and getting feedback on your implementation science related grant? Email Anna Katomski, MPH (
The ISIG is open to investigators across the JHU CFAR and to the surrounding community, and endeavors to engage local community stakeholders and Health Departments in our work to foster meaningful collaborations and sustainable initiatives. Our faculty represent individuals across career stages endeavoring to increase knowledge of best practices and evolving methodologies in implementation science across CFAR investigators. We hold monthly open Implementation Science Monthly Rounds on the first Tuesday of the month from 12 - 1PM EST and organize one-off events. If interested in learning more or joining our mailing list, monthly meetings, or our Hopkins ISIG Teams site, please join us using the Zoom link:
The mission of the JHU CFAR Implementation Science Interest Group (ISIG) is to support implementation science training and skill acquisition, and to facilitate the practical application of implementation science for JHU HIV researchers. We aim to have a broad impact on conceptualization and innovation in implementation science training, methodologies and scholarship at JHU and in the implementation science research and practice community more broadly. We intend to accomplish these goals through 1) resource development including grant review, targeted events, monthly meetings to foster knowledge sharing and on-line repositories and libraries, and 2) promoting inter, intra and extra CFAR and JHU networking, collaboration and synergies.
Sheree Schwartz, PhD, MPH
Laura Beres, PhD, MPH
Stefan Baral, MD, MPH, MBA
Anna Katomski, MPH
The JHU CFAR ISIG has evolved from the CFAR Implementation Science Working Group which was previously led by Dr. Stefan Baral, Dr. Melissa-Davey Rothwell and Dr. Larry Chang. The ISIG continues to bring together a community of HIV researchers committed to conducting, advancing and/or newly engaging in implementation science research in the US and globally.